Ketamine: A New Way to Treat Teen Depression

Treatment shows promise where other antidepressants fail. Anxiety, depression and suicide are on the rise among American youth. But ketamine — a drug historically used as a surgical anesthetic — is showing promise as a treatment that can succeed where other antidepressant medications have failed. The need for help is dire. A 2019 Pew report said 70 percent of teenagers report …

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Why Are Suicide Rates Rising?

Humanity needs to have an uncomfortable conversation about suicide. It’s a growing problem in the West and one that we don’t give nearly enough attention. Around 800,000 people kill themselves every year, according to the World Health Organization. After car accidents, it’s the leading cause of death for people between ages 15 and 29. Clearly, …

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Ketamine may help treat migraine pain unresponsive to other therapies

Ketamine, a medication commonly used for pain relief and increasingly used for depression, may help alleviate migraine pain in patients who have not been helped by other treatments, suggests a study being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2017 annual meeting. The study of 61 patients found that almost 75 percent experienced an improvement in their migraine intensity …

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What To Do When Holistic Treatments Don’t Work For Your Anxiety

One of the most crippling aspects of anxiety is how isolating it can be. The feelings of fear, worry, and panic, can attack even the most self-assured person and make them feel desperately alone. The irony is that despite these feelings of isolation, anxiety is the most common mental illness in America today. More than …

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From Stanford Medicine: Ketamine for OCD

Illustration by Kotryna Zukauskaite Geuris “Jerry” Rivas, a native of New York, was diagnosed with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder when he was 15. Obsessions with organizing and reorganizing the belongings in his bedroom — posters, comic books, videos — took over most of his life. Forced by germ obsessions to compulsively wash and rewash his hands, …

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How Revolutionary is Ketamine for Treating Depression and Anxiety?

Researchers are having a difficult time developing new classes of medicine to treat mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and pain associated with these conditions. Years ago, psychiatrists treated these mood disorders with medications that blocked monoamine receptors and monoamine transporters. However, these medicines produced adverse side effects, and some failed to work effectively. …

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Ketamine Therapy Effective Treatment for Depression

What is Ketamine? Recent studies are proving ketamine therapy just might be a very potent tool to treat depression. Ketamine is a drug that acts by taking control of specific brain receptors. When administered in a controlled setting, in limited amounts, ketamine therapy can be extremely beneficial. Studies are now showing it can be a …

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PTSD Treatment Program Works Fast To End Years Of Suffering

It’s estimated that there are more than 24 million Americans currently suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This mental health condition is triggered when a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. Symptoms can develop years later, or they can begin within a month of the event occurring. The traumatic event that triggers PTSD varies …

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Great News: Ketamine May Help Treat Migraines

A surprising 12 percent of the U.S. population regularly deals with migraine headaches. That covers roughly one in four households. Migraines do not discriminate, either. They affect about 18% of women, 6% of men, and 10% percent of children. Migraine headaches can be disabling. Chronic sufferers typically have headaches once or twice a month, but …

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Suicides Are At An All-Time High. Is There Anything We Can Do?

The high suicide rate in the United States is undoubtedly a public health crisis. It may be happening so slowly that many health officials don’t notice, but the numbers don’t lie. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of people who died by suicide increased in 49 out of 50 American …

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