What is TMS?

TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, is an FDA-approved alternative depression treatment that works. TMS is and safe treatment with minimal risk for long term systemic side effects. TMS works by using magnetic pulses to stimulate regions of the brain involved in mood that are underactive in people with conditions such as depression, anxiety, and OCD.

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The Science Behind TMS

In TMS therapy, magnetic stimulation activates nerve cells without the need for surgical treatment. During the treatment consultation, a skilled technician or therapist will locate a magnetic coil on the brain’s lobe and supply the stimulation

TMS Therapy for Depression

TMS therapy is primarily used to treat major depression. It is a treatment option for incurable depression for those who have not found relief from medication and psychotherapy.

How Does TMS Work?

TMS treatment uses focused magnetic pulses to stimulate parts of the brain, which can be underactive in folks who are afflicted by despair, tension, or OCD. TMS therapy can help reawaken brain hobby in these brain components – and bring about long-term symptom alleviation.

During the treatment session, a TMS wand is applied to the elements of your scalp. The TMS device delivers magnetic pulses to the brain, similar to an MRI device. These magnetic pulses are not painful. Most patients describe the sensation as a light tap on the forehead.

The TMS System

During the TMS treatment session, the technician will measure your head and determine where to place the magnetic coil. Also, additional measurements are made to tailor the settings on the TMS device to the specific needs of each individual. The coil is then placed on the frontal lobe of your brain, and healing begins.

The Role of The Prefrontal Cortex

The goal of TMS therapy is to stimulate nerve cells in areas of the brain linked to arousal and depression. By targeting regions like the cortex that show activity in depression, this treatment aims to activate brain areas associated with symptoms, such as low energy levels and changes in appetite.

Why Choose TMS for Depression, Anxiety, and OCD?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy is another effective treatment that has been scientifically proven to prevent depression. Approved by the FDA as a method of treating depression in 2008, TMS has been shown to provide lasting relief to individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, and OCD symptoms.

Lasting Impact

TMS has been shown to provide lasting relief to individuals struggling with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and OCD after undergoing an entire course of TMS treatment.

There Is No Downtime

TMS treatment does not require sedation or therapy, allowing the patients to resume daily activities immediately.

Covered By Most Major Insurance

Does insurance cover TMS therapy? Usually, yes! At Bespoke Treatment, we accept most major insurances.

TMS therapy near me

Benefits of TMS Therapy in Treating Mental Health Conditions

Long-Lasting Results

One study shows that up to 58% of people with TMS respond to treatment, and 37% of patients achieve complete relief after completing all treatment.

Other studies have shown results of even greater need. These results can be long-lasting, and some individuals require additional treatment to maintain results.

Few Side Effects

Antidepressants often come with a long list of possible side effects, and most patients experience at least one. Side effects such as weight gain, sleep disorders, and chronic fatigue can ruin the lives of many. TMS can provide treatment without unwanted side effects. Some people experience no adverse effects of TMS treatment, but others may experience mild headaches or dizziness due to stimulation, which only lasts briefly after treatment.

Non-Invasive Therapy 

One of TMS’s main advantages is it’s non-invasive. The treatment is simple, you won’t have any downtime and can return to normal activities immediately. Other treatments can leave you feeling tired or disoriented, requiring family or friends to drive you home while you recover. TMS offers an alternative for people who need to get back to their lives immediately after treatment.


TMS therapy can be particularly beneficial for certain patients, especially those with treatment-resistant depression. Around 60% of individuals with treatment-resistant depression experience significant improvements in their symptoms through TMS treatment. Moreover, TMS can stimulate parts of the brain that are typically underactive in individuals with schizophrenia.

Efficacy of TMS in Mental Health Treatment

Studies have shown that TMS can effectively reduce symptoms of depression and enhance mood. The FDA has authorized the use of TMS therapy for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and OCD. TMS for depression is being investigated as a potential remedy for post-traumatic strain sickness (PTSD) or even rehabilitation for depression. 

TMS Therapy for Depression: A Second Chance for Happiness

Depression can be a challenging condition to address effectively. While conventional treatments such as medications and therapies are often the initial approach, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy for depression brings hope to those with treatment-resistant symptoms.

TMS for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

TMS therapy can improve symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The FDA approved TMS for the treatment of OCD in 2018. Like TMS for depression, TMS is recommended for individuals with OCD who have not responded to medication and psychotherapy.

TMS for Anxiety

TMS may lessen anxiety in addition to treating psychiatric problems including depression and OCD, because anxiety symptoms are frequently caused by these conditions. TMS could also be beneficial for generalized anxiety disorders.

TMS for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A 2019 study found that TMS is beneficial for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). TMS, as mentioned earlier, can target the prefrontal cortex, which controls how you interpret fear and anxiety.

We Offer The Latest TMS Developments.

Personalized TMS uses advanced brain imaging algorithms. Before treatment begins, we will identify you and your specific brain symptoms.

We Always Take Individual Perspectives.

Compared with traditional TMS, personalized TMS can be more targeted and, therefore, more effective.

Our Team Is Here for You Every Step of The Way

Customized schedules may result in fewer side effects of TMS throughout treatment.

Unlike other TMS services, we do not believe in a “one size fits all” standardized TMS protocol. We stay current with the latest neuroscience and specialize in personalized TMS treatments. When designing your TMS treatment plan, our treatment team considers how your mood disorder manifests in your brain’s unique functioning.

Personalized TMS Therapy

At Bespoke Treatment, we only offer personalized TMS treatments. Our independent research has shown that personalized TMS has significantly higher success rates than standard protocols.

Driven By Your Data

Personalized TMS uses advanced brain mapping and protocols. Before treatment begins, we will identify your specific brain symptoms.

Increased Efficacy

Compared with traditional TMS, personalized TMS can be more targeted and, therefore, more effective.

Reduced Side Effects

Customized protocols may result in fewer side effects of TMS throughout treatment.

What Types of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Do We Offer?

Theta  Burst Stimulation

We highly recommend Theta Burst TMS. Older TMS techniques require 18-45 minutes of treatment. However, Theta Burst TMS is so advanced that only 3 minutes per session will be required. Theta Burst Stimulation works fast because it exactly mimics the natural rhythm of your brain. Since treatment time is so limited, you can come in on your lunch break for treatment before or after work or school.

fMRI-Guided Neuronavigation

Wondering, “Does TMS actually work?” or you feel unsure about this treatment because you’ve read negative reviews, fMRI could be for you.

The latest science suggests that when people do not respond to TMS, it is because an incorrect part of the brain was targeted. The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is always stimulated during TMS treatment. However, this part of the brain is quite large, and it is complicated to target precisely. Everyone’s brain anatomy is a little different. Moving just a few inches away can cause your TMS treatment to not work correctly. By using fMRI to determine selective neuronal migration, our providers can confidently determine that we are stimulating the right area of ​​the brain with neurosurgical precision.

Accelerated TMS

Studies over the last five years have shown that accelerated TMS protocols – primarily defined as 10 TMS sessions per day over just five days – can increase the chances of recovery up to 79%, as shown in the famous Stanford SAINT TMS study.

Deep TMS

Deep TMS, also known as Deep Coil or Deep Coil TMS, is commonly used for people with OCD but can also be effective for people experiencing depression. Compared to conventional TMS, Deep Coil includes deeper penetration into the brain, directly treating deeper brain regions such as the anterior cingulate cortex.

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Begin Your TMS Therapy Journey With Bespoke Treatment

Nowadays, everyone’s searching for TMS therapy near me. But why choose Bespoke Treatment? Our goal isn’t just to provide TMS therapy; it’s to give the best TMS therapy in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Santa Monica.

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Is TMS A Good Choice for Me? 

Exploring Your Options

To determine whether TMS is the right treatment for you, it’s important to thoroughly review your mental health history, current status, and reactions to past treatments and consult with mental health professionals at Bespoke Treatment.

Understanding the Safety of TMS

The safety of TMS is well documented. Unlike other treatments for depression, such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), TMS therapy for depression does not cause seizures or require anesthesia.

Side Effects and Risks

TMS is generally considered safe and well-tolerated. However, it can cause some side effects such as scalp discomfort, headache, tingling, spasms or twitching of facial muscles, and lightheadedness.

Frequently Asked Questions

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