Ketamine: A Promising Novel Therapy for Anxiety and PTSD

Ketamine was originally approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an anesthetic, but is increasingly being used to treat mood disorders, such as treatment-resistant depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several studies have also found it to be effective for treating suicidal ideation. “Ketamine can play an important role in the …

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What To Do When Holistic Treatments Don’t Work For Your Anxiety

One of the most crippling aspects of anxiety is how isolating it can be. The feelings of fear, worry, and panic, can attack even the most self-assured person and make them feel desperately alone. The irony is that despite these feelings of isolation, anxiety is the most common mental illness in America today. More than …

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Five Signs You Have Anxiety, A Must-Read for Everyone

Anxiety is a typical response when you’re experiencing stressful events throughout your life. For example, if you’re experiencing financial problems, starting a new family, or changing jobs, you may experience some modicum of anxiety. However, if the anxiety symptoms persist or exasperate beyond their trigger and interfere with your everyday life, then you may be …

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PTSD Treatment Program Works Fast To End Years Of Suffering

It’s estimated that there are more than 24 million Americans currently suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This mental health condition is triggered when a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. Symptoms can develop years later, or they can begin within a month of the event occurring. The traumatic event that triggers PTSD varies …

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Ketamine Is Showing Big Results in Treating Severe Social Anxiety

Initially created in the 1960s primarily for its anesthetic properties, ketamine is presently undergoing extensive research to explore how effectively works to alleviate symptoms associated with major depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic pain, and severe social anxiety disorder. If you are struggling with severe anxiety and have found conventional treatments aren’t providing relief, …

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