Anxiety and Ketamine – How Ketamine Helps Treat Anxiety

Anxiety and Ketamine – How Ketamine Helps Treat Anxiety Are you currently suffering from anxiety? According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is presently being experienced by approximately 6.8 million adults across the United States. CNBC also reported on a 25% jump in anxiety-related book sales at Barnes & …

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Can Ketamine Therapy Help College Students Suffering from Anxiety?

College students across the United States are suffering from anxiety at staggering rates. More and more young adults are having difficulty keeping up with their studies while dealing with their own internal struggles. Anxiety disorder exists on a spectrum with some individuals suffering from such severe cases that it seems like everything becomes nearly impossible …

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Five Signs You Have Anxiety, A Must-Read for Everyone

Anxiety is a typical response when you’re experiencing stressful events throughout your life. For example, if you’re experiencing financial problems, starting a new family, or changing jobs, you may experience some modicum of anxiety. However, if the anxiety symptoms persist or exasperate beyond their trigger and interfere with your everyday life, then you may be …

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How Ketamine Can Help with Your Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is an extreme fear of adverse or wrong judgment from people, leading to feelings of humiliation, rejection, embarrassment, and inadequacy in a social situation. People with this disorder may worry about others considering them to be dull, stupid, strange, or embarrassing in social interactions. To cope, they …

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