A Ketamine Infusion: What to expect during your first infusion

You might be familiar with ketamine, a drug commonly used for its anesthetic properties in emergency rooms, however, is now rapidly gaining recognition due to its swift alleviation of depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ketamine has recently garnered widespread attention for its potential to treat various mental health conditions that are often …

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How To Break The Endless Cycle of Failed Medication After Medication

Imagine what it’s like to have depression impact all areas of your life. Think about carrying around a crippling burden that continues to grow a little more each day. Soon, it starts to manifest in different ways through lingering sadness, increased irritability, and anxious thinking until it completely wears you down. Depression is consuming, debilitating, …

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TMS Review with Dr. Drew and Bespoke Treatment Founder Ben Spielber

So this point, let me have you dispense with all that, let me get to my guest, Ben Spielberg. Ben is from the Bespoke Treatment in Santa Monica. Is that the actual name of the place to some brain health? Ben is a neuroscience and education master’s degree program from Columbia University. He focused on …

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KNBC 4 News The benefits of TMS with Ben Spielberg

Welcome back, everyone. For people suffering from depression, the holidays can be very stressful and lonely time, along with medication and therapy. A treatment center in Santa Monica is offering a possible solution, and it takes only three minutes. Alright. So we’re going to turn it up 10 percent or so. A machine to battle …

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Health Smart on KTLA 5 News TMS and its help on the brain with Ben Spielberg

In today’s Health Smart, we are talking about the holiday blues and a noninvasive cutting edge treatment for people with depression. A recent study reveals 64 percent of people surveyed experienced feelings of anxiety or depression during the holidays, but depression affects one in six people year-round. And joining us now is neuroscientist and founder …

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TMS Therapy: A Solution To The Unwanted Side Effects of Antidepressant Medication

This past year has completely warped our since of time. Have you found yourself wondering what day it is…month…perhaps even year? Maybe it feels like March of 2020 was 30 years ago….or 30 days? You’re not alone! We know 2020 was a challenging year full of hardships, grief, change, sadness, fear, and so many other …

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Why TMS Is One Of The Most Effective Treatments For OCD

If obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is interfering with your ability to function normally and you’ve tried traditional options to no avail, explore how TMS may hold the key to living a life free from both obsessions and compulsions. OCD affects between 1% and 2% of the population in the United States to varying degrees. While some …

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How TMS Can Treat Postpartum Depression Without Medications

One in seven new mothers experience some degree of postpartum depression, preventing them from fully engaging in this wonderful time. Explore how TMS therapy is helping scores of women enjoy motherhood without resorting to medications. The first year of motherhood has its challenges under the best of circumstances. If you’re struggling with postpartum depression, however, …

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