Online Ketamine Therapy Program

Access the benefits of psychedelic medicine from the comfort of your home with our Online Ketamine Therapy Program. As part of our virtual IOP, this specialized track combines innovative, evidence-based, and holistic treatments to support your mental wellness. Begin your journey to profound healing today.

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Virtual Ketamine Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Available for California residents, our program offers an individualized combination of psychiatry, group, individual, and occupational therapies, nutrition, mindfulness, movement, and ketamine assisted therapy (also known as ketamine assisted psychotherapy, or KAP). All sessions are live and completed in the comfort of your own home. Our team of psychiatric providers specializes in treating individuals with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and OCD, mood disorders, and ADHD.

This Online ketamine therapy program is especially effective in treating depression, anxiety, trauma, mood disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Find out if your insurance covers our IOP today.

What Exactly Is an IOP?

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a comprehensive and structured approach designed to address complex and hard-to-deal mental health issues. Unlike traditional therapy formats, an IOP integrates various evidence-based treatments and therapeutic modalities, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Internal Family Systems (IFS), among others. These alternative treatments work synergistically when combined with ketamine assisted therapy, inducing neuroplasticity, turning on dormant parts of the brain, and learning skills to combat maladaptive patterns. An IOP lasts around 12-16 weeks to provide unparalleled results for patients who may not have found help with common medications or traditional talk therapy alone.

This multidisciplinary approach allows for a tailored treatment plan that addresses each individual’s needs. By combining these complementary therapies, the program promotes neuroplasticity, activates dormant parts of the brain, and equips patients with the ability to overcome maladaptive patterns effectively.


This at-home ketamine treatment program is available to all residents of California and offers psychotherapy, group therapy, individual therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition counseling, mindfulness sessions, and movement therapy. All sessions are conducted live and completed in the comfort of your own home.

Psychedelic Medicine

Our psychedelic medicine program is based on a virtual platform. It includes at-home ketamine treatment options, twice-weekly ketamine-assisted treatments, and online group integration sessions.


For patients in Los Angeles or Santa Monica, Bespoke Treatment professionals combine virtual IOP with outpatient treatments such as TMS therapy, Spravato, biofeedback, and ketamine infusions.

Virtual Ketamine Assisted Therapy

Ketamine is a legal psychedelic medication that has traditionally been used for anesthesia. Over the past 23 years, researchers across the globe have discovered that this medication—delivered in low dosages far below what one would require for anesthesia—can seriously reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD. This is partly because ketamine works on a completely different neurotransmitter system than any other antidepressant.

Recent developments have made ketamine clinics more accessible, and many insurance companies now cover its use. If you’re unsure whether you qualify for ketamine therapy, our team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how ketamine therapy can transform your mental health journey and explore reimbursement options under various insurance plans. If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, consider exploring ketamine treatment as an option.

Online Ketamine Therapy

In low doses, ketamine can induce a psycholytic state that can be extraordinarily beneficial during a therapy session. During ketamine assisted therapy, patients might feel somewhat of a separation between their mind and their internal sense of self, and oftentimes feel relief from the anxieties and mood that plagues their thoughts normally. When patients use ketamine during therapy, it allows for them to let their guards down and access what they’re learning and discovering in a more productive way. Patients often report that one ketamine assisted therapy session is equivalent to 50 regular therapy sessions.

If our psychiatric team decides that a patient is a good fit for our online ketamine therapy program, they will prescribe a small amount of ketamine RDTs (rapid dissolve tablets) to be shipped directly to the patients’ homes. When it is time for a therapy session, a therapist will meet with the patient virtually and instruct them on how to self-administer the ketamine. Once the ketamine is fully dissolved, the therapist will begin the therapy session. Integration of the ketamine therapy experience is built into the rest of the program, as every part of the program is scientifically meant to work together synergistically.

What’s Different About Bespoke Treatment IOP?

Personalized Treatment

We’ve implemented new programs that offer a more structured and individualized approach to outpatient treatment. Our innovative programs combine evidence-based therapies with customized care to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

Evidence-Based Care

Our team of medical professionals provides evidence-based care that is backed by science. We use a combination of therapies focused on retraining the brain to produce more effective, long-term results. Our approach includes alternative therapies such as nutrition education, movement and yoga, TMS therapy, neurofeedback, and ketamine-assisted therapy, alongside standard modalities such as group therapy, individual therapy, and meditation.

Healing The Whole Body

We believe that physical and mental health are interconnected, so we aim to educate our patients about the importance of self-care and overall wellness practices.

Our IOP panels, including ketamine infusions, are designed to promote healing of the whole body. If you’re seeking online ketamine treatment near you, contact us today!

Choose Healing With Our IOP

If you reside in Los AngelesLas Vegas, or Santa Monica, don’t hesitate to try Bespoke Treatment IOP programs, personalized to the mental health needs of each individual. Contact us now, and let your mind heal.

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Yes, we accept insurance!

(833) 867-2329

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