What’s The Difference Between Depression & Sadness?

We all feel sad sometimes. After all, everyone has bad days. Maybe you even say you are feeling depressed when you are more miserable than usual. So, yes, depression is about being sad, but how do you know when sadness is actually clinical depression? The grey area between sadness and depression makes it hard to …

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Ketamine for Depression: Does it work?

What is Ketamine? Ketamine, also known as Ketalar, Ketaset, and Ketanest, is a medication that’s currently FDA approved only as an anesthetic but it’s showing great potential as a treatment for severe depression. In fact, numerous Ketamine Clinics have begun to appear throughout the United States to solve this problem. Depressed patients with stubborn symptoms get relief …

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An Effective Anxiety Treatment that You Haven’t Tried

Everyone experiences occasional feelings of anxiety at some point in their lives. For example, you might feel anxious before taking a test, while making an important decision such as buying a new car or new home, or when you are faced with a particularly challenging project at work. However, for anyone with an anxiety disorder, …

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If You Are Fighting Depression, Consider Ketamine

Ketamine is a drug that is completely unique, and when it comes to treating depression, the results have been so good, it’s shocked many in psychiatry. “This is a game-changer,” Dr. John Krystal, chief psychiatrist at Yale Medicine, told Medical Xpress. “When you take ketamine, it triggers reactions in your cortex that enable brain connections …

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What To Do When Holistic Treatments Don’t Work For Your Anxiety

One of the most crippling aspects of anxiety is how isolating it can be. The feelings of fear, worry, and panic, can attack even the most self-assured person and make them feel desperately alone. The irony is that despite these feelings of isolation, anxiety is the most common mental illness in America today. More than …

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PTSD Treatment Program Works Fast To End Years Of Suffering

It’s estimated that there are more than 24 million Americans currently suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This mental health condition is triggered when a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. Symptoms can develop years later, or they can begin within a month of the event occurring. The traumatic event that triggers PTSD varies …

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Quantifying the Cost of Depression

Key Findings Approximately 6-7% of full-time U.S. workers experienced major depression (MDD) within the past year. The total economic burden of MDD is now estimated to be $210.5 billion per year. For every dollar spent on MDD direct costs in 2010, an additional $1.90 was spent on MDD-related indirect costs. An important study reveals just …

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How New Ketamine Drug Helps with Depression

On March 5, 2019 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first truly new medication for major depression in decades. The drug is a nasal spray called esketamine, derived from ketamine—an anesthetic that has made waves for its surprising antidepressant effect. Interestingly, studies from Yale research labs showed that the drug ketamine, which was widely used as …

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New Hope for Depression – Time Magazine Cover Story

At last count, about 12% of Americans took antidepressants. Global revenue for antidepressants was about $14.5 billion in 2014 and is projected to grow to nearly $17 billion over the next three years. Clinical depression affects 6.7% of U.S. adults, or about 16 million people, and a growing number of children and teenagers too. It’s …

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