Music During Ketamine Infusions: It’s All In Your Head?

In doing research surrounding ketamine therapy for depression, it’s easy to come across pictures of people with eye masks, blankets, and large, noise cancelling headphones. It seems like music during ketamine infusions is almost a requirement. In fact, some companies have been founded predicated on the idea that music with ketamine is exponentially more helpful …

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The Truth On Whether Ketamine Is Covered By Insurance Or Not

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard that ketamine is one of the latest helpful therapies for treatment-resistant depression. Perhaps you’ve heard that it is the first iteration of the emerging field of psychedelic medicine, or perhaps you’ve heard that it’s a horse tranquilizer, and you’re really confused. I’m sure you’ve seen the jaw-dropping response …

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Ketamine: New Promising Anxiety Treatment

It’s not uncommon to experience anxiety. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that 6.8 million adults in the US are affected by generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Additionally, a recent CNBC report highlights a 25% increase in the sales of books related to anxiety at Barnes & Noble between 2017 and 2018. These statistics …

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Ketamine may rebuild broken brain synapses, according to new research

The body of science showing that ketamine, the drug is best known for its recreational use, might one day become a prominent treatment for depression is growing. A new study published April 11 in the journal Science shows that not only does ketamine offer fast-acting and temporary relief for depression, but the drug appears to actively …

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Addiction and Ketamine – How Ketamine Helps with Addiction

Are you suffering from alcohol or substance abuse? If so, you’re not alone, and ketamine therapy may be able to help. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s 2015 study, “15.1 million adults 18 and older (6.2% of this age group) had AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder). The Mayo Clinic defines AUD as …

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Why Are Suicide Rates Rising?

Humanity needs to have an uncomfortable conversation about suicide. It’s a growing problem in the West and one that we don’t give nearly enough attention. Around 800,000 people kill themselves every year, according to the World Health Organization. After car accidents, it’s the leading cause of death for people between ages 15 and 29. Clearly, …

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Using Ketamine to Treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Service Members

For veterans, PTSD is an extremely common yet insufficiently treated problem. The Department of Veterans Affairs reports that about 21 veterans (including active duty servicemen, guards, and other military officials) commit suicide every single day. Ketamine has also been shown to help greatly with post-traumatic stress disorder. Roughly 7 out of 10 people have experienced …

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How Ketamine Helps Treat Migraine Headaches

If you’ve ever had a migraine headache, you know how difficult they can be to treat. However, recent research indicates that Ketamine has demonstrated potential in offering relief. For instance, a case series featured in the December 2016 edition of the Journal of Headache and Pain reported that six individuals who underwent IV ketamine treatment …

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A Comprehensive Look at How Ketamine Treats Depression

Searching for Ketamine for Depression in Los Angeles? Do you believe you may be suffering from depression? If so, questions regarding receiving a diagnosis and treatments may also be on your mind. While the symptoms of depression aren’t always apparent, that doesn’t mean they aren’t real. Feelings of sadness and hopeless, as well as rage …

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