A Ketamine Infusion: What to expect during your first infusion

You might be familiar with ketamine, a drug commonly used for its anesthetic properties in emergency rooms, however, is now rapidly gaining recognition due to its swift alleviation of depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ketamine has recently garnered widespread attention for its potential to treat various mental health conditions that are often …

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How Ketamine Can Help with Your Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is an extreme fear of adverse or wrong judgment from people, leading to feelings of humiliation, rejection, embarrassment, and inadequacy in a social situation. People with this disorder may worry about others considering them to be dull, stupid, strange, or embarrassing in social interactions. To cope, they …

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5 Myths About Depression That You Need To Hear

Depression is a condition that is poorly understood by the public. Major depressive disorder is widespread, one of the most prevalent mental health issues in this country. It affects an estimated 17.3 million residents including 8.7 percent of adult women and 5.3 percent of adult men. There is a stigmatism attached to depression that can keep …

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