Your Guide to Treating Migraine Headaches

Do you suffer from chronic migraine headaches? If so, you may be wondering what’s triggering them. There are many potential causes of migraine headaches.  Get the facts and learn how you can treat your migraine with ketamine treatments. What are the Known Causes for Migraines? When you’re suffering from migraine headaches, it’s a priority to …

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How Ketamine Helps Treat Migraine Headaches

If you’ve ever had a migraine headache, you know how difficult they can be to treat. However, recent research indicates that Ketamine has demonstrated potential in offering relief. For instance, a case series featured in the December 2016 edition of the Journal of Headache and Pain reported that six individuals who underwent IV ketamine treatment …

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Great News: Ketamine May Help Treat Migraines

A surprising 12 percent of the U.S. population regularly deals with migraine headaches. That covers roughly one in four households. Migraines do not discriminate, either. They affect about 18% of women, 6% of men, and 10% percent of children. Migraine headaches can be disabling. Chronic sufferers typically have headaches once or twice a month, but …

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