Why Depression Signs May Be Different in Men Than in Women

Gender alone cannot determine what someone’s experience with depression will be like. Mental illness affects every individual differently, and dealing with depression is a very personal experience. However, depression symptoms tend to differ between men and women in some important ways. Men tend to exhibit aggression and anger rather than sadness, which can make it difficult for …

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Understanding Treatment-Resistant Depression: What We Know

Most individuals dealing with major depressive disorder rely on antidepressant medication to aid in symptom relief, allowing them to carry on their daily life. Many people find that antidepressants can make therapy more effective and play an important role in their recovery. Finding an antidepressant that works can be a difficult task, and oftentimes people …

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Clinical Review: Intravenous Ketamine Treatment Significantly Improved Symptoms in PTSD Patients

Many individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder struggle to find relief through standard pharmacological therapies. Medications like SSRIs and SNRIs have historically been associated with persistent and residual symptoms, even among patients who respond to the medication. Growing medical evidence points to the neurotransmitter glutamate as having an important role in stress mediation, the formation of …

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8 Things to Know About PTSD and Memory Loss

Posttraumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that impacts millions of people throughout the country. A traumatic experience or incident often triggers PTSD, resulting in a range of psychological, emotional, and physiological symptoms, which disrupt daily life and cause feelings of distress. These symptoms may include recurring flashbacks, ruminating thoughts, …

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The Rise of Telemedicine: Online IOP

Telehealth services have surged in popularity over the last few years. This goes for physical health services as well as mental health services. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many health practitioners to find new ways of reaching patients during quarantine. While the technology available for this kind of healthcare has existed for many years, the push …

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Categories IOP

What are the Ten Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are characterized by long-term patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving that are different from typical cultural expectations and cause problems or distress in functioning and personal relationships. They usually begin by early adulthood or late adolescence and are long-lasting. A personality disorder can affect an individual’s way of relating to other people, way …

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The Most Common Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety on its own is a healthy emotion to experience, and often motivates us to perform better in daily life. However, when anxiety becomes too intense and feelings of fear and distress hinder everyday activities, this is usually considered an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental health issue in the …

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Preliminary Study Shows SAINT Accelerated TMS Safe and Effective for Depression

The Sanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy (SAINT) protocol is a strictly defined method for conducting transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, at an accelerated rate. TMS is an FDA-approved treatment for depression that is effective, safe, and tolerable. Studies and clinic observation show that over 50% of patients have a meaningful response to TMS and as …

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Zulresso: First Official Medication for Postpartum Depression

What is Postpartum Depression? Postpartum depression is a common experience for new mothers after childbirth, and some new fathers. While it is often confused with “baby blues”, overwhelming feelings and stress-related symptoms experienced for a few days or weeks following childbirth, postpartum depression (PPD) is a more serious disorder. PPD symptoms are often more intense …

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Preliminary Study Shows SAINT Accelerated TMS Safe and Effective for Depression

The Sanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy (SAINT) protocol is a strictly defined method for conducting transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, at an accelerated rate. TMS is an FDA-approved treatment for depression that is effective, safe, and tolerable. Studies and clinic observation show that over 50% of patients have a meaningful response to TMS and as …

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