Does Blue Cros Blue Shield Cover TMS Therapy?

blue cross blue shield covers mental health treatment

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS Therapy) is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate areas of the brain associated with depression, anxiety, and OCD. TMS Therapy has been shown to relieve the symptoms of depression in 4 to 6 weeks—although new research suggests a more potent form of TMS called Accelerated TMS—often associated with …

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Important Updates on TMS for Bipolar Disorder

TMS Therapy for Bipolar Depression

Concerning Magnetic Therapy for Bipolar Disorder TMS Therapy was initially FDA-approved in 2008 for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder and has slowly obtained new approvals for other indications since. In Europe, TMS is approved with a CE Mark for the treatment of Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Depression, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke recovery, and even Alzheimer’s Disease. …

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