What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational interviewing (MI), developed by psychologist William R. Miller and further improved by Miller and Stephen Rollnick, is a short-term, empathetic counseling technique designed to assist individuals in overcoming ambivalent feelings and insecurities to uncover their inner motivation for behavior change. This practical approach acknowledges the challenge of making life changes and draws on Carl …

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What is DBT?

DBT stands for dialectical behavior therapy; DBT is a type of psychotherapy that was developed by Dr. Marsha M. Linehan in the 1980s as a treatment for individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). It is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that incorporates mindfulness and acceptance-based techniques with the goal of helping individuals regulate …

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Meditation Therapy to Reduce Stress: What is MBSR?

Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy, or MBSR, is an evidence-based therapy that has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental conditions. MBSR was developed in the 1970s by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. The therapy is often used to treat illnesses like depression and anxiety, but it also …

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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

Acceptance and commitment therapy, or ACT, is one of the talk therapies we offer in our mental health treatment plans at Bespoke Treatment. ACT is an action-oriented form of psychotherapy that is commonly used to treat mental conditions like depression and anxiety. Stemming from traditional and cognitive behavioral therapy, ACT teaches patients to accept their …

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Everything You Need to Know About EMDR Therapy

Like many other mental health clinics, we offer a wide variety of treatment options at Bespoke Treatment. This includes a number of psychotherapies, such as CBT and ACT, as well as EMDR. While most people are familiar with more traditional talk therapies, many of our patients were previously unaware that EMDR is a therapy option …

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TMS Treatment for Tinnitus

What do depression, chronic pain, and tinnitus have in common? No, this isn’t the start of a bad joke—all 3 of these seemingly distinct disorders might be reflective of the same exact phenomenon called thalamocortical dysrhythmia.  In thalamocortical dysrhythmia, different layers of the cortex send misaligned signals to other layers of the cortex, causing dysfunction in …

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Maintenance TMS

One of the major concerns for people starting TMS therapy is how often they have to come after their initial course of treatment. The research is mixed in this area, and many psychiatrists and patients alike are confused about what to do after this initial course. In general, there are three phases of TMS treatment: …

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What is an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)?

At Bespoke Treatment, we offer a variety of programs and services that are included in a personalized treatment plan to suit each individual patient. We create a plan that addresses your goals and the level of care you need. One of our popular programs is the intensive outpatient program, or IOP. What is IOP? An …

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What Psychotherapies Do We Offer at Bespoke Treatment?

At Bespoke Treatment, we are well known as an integrative mental health treatment clinic, offering safe alternative treatment options such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, ketamine treatment, and Zulresso. However, our clinics provide full-range care to clients, including a number of standard psychotherapies. We develop personalized treatment plans for each patient that offer complete treatment coverage …

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What is Partial Hospitalization (PHP)?

Bespoke Treatment offers many different programs, services, and levels of care for our mental health patients. For individuals looking for a treatment that is more intensive than our IOP (intensive outpatient program), we offer a partial hospitalization program (PHP). Partial Hospitalization Program is a structured treatment program in which the patient typically attends for about …

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