At-Home Ketamine Vs. Ketamine Clinics: The Full Story

What’s the best ketamine clinic option for me? If you’re reading this, you might be considering using ketamine therapy for a mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD. You might be confused about all of the different options for ketamine, and are perhaps wondering whether you should use ketamine at home or go …

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The Truth On Whether Ketamine Is Covered By Insurance Or Not

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard that ketamine is one of the latest helpful therapies for treatment-resistant depression. Perhaps you’ve heard that it is the first iteration of the emerging field of psychedelic medicine, or perhaps you’ve heard that it’s a horse tranquilizer, and you’re really confused. I’m sure you’ve seen the jaw-dropping response …

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Music During Ketamine Infusions: It’s All In Your Head?

In doing research surrounding ketamine therapy for depression, it’s easy to come across pictures of people with eye masks, blankets, and large, noise cancelling headphones. It seems like music during ketamine infusions is almost a requirement. In fact, some companies have been founded predicated on the idea that music with ketamine is exponentially more helpful …

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What is Complex PTSD?

Complex PTSD is a relatively newly named disorder as far as being differentiated from standard PTSD. In recent years, numerous medical specialists proposed that the conventional PTSD diagnosis may not adequately encompass the profound psychological damage resulting from continuous or protracted trauma. When a person endures persistent abuse or traumatic events for an extended duration …

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Randomized Trial Shows Repeated Ketamine Effective Treatment for Chronic PTSD

In light of ketamine’s effectiveness and tolerability in treating major depressive disorder, researchers are looking into the drug’s potential to treat other mental disorders as well, including post-traumatic stress disorder. The main treatment for PTSD is currently trauma-focused psychotherapy. While it is effective for some, it shows significant rates of partial or nonresponse, as well …

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What is Pure O and How is it Different From OCD?

You’ve probably heard the term “Pure O” before, but aren’t exactly sure what Pure O is or how it is different from OCD. The two disorders are similar, but they have different symptoms and manifestations, so it’s important to understand both.   Primarily Obsessional OCD, or Pure O OCD, is a less recognized subtype of …

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Choosing Between TMS Therapy and Ketamine? Here’s What You Should Know

Treating depression can be as challenging as living with it. For some individuals, an antidepressant medication helps them manage their symptoms without significant side effects. However, for others, these medications are not enough to treat mental health conditions that are often resistant to conventional treatments. Different people respond differently to various types of depression or …

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What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational interviewing (MI), developed by psychologist William R. Miller and further improved by Miller and Stephen Rollnick, is a short-term, empathetic counseling technique designed to assist individuals in overcoming ambivalent feelings and insecurities to uncover their inner motivation for behavior change. This practical approach acknowledges the challenge of making life changes and draws on Carl …

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Dentophobia: How to Cope with a Fear of Dentists

Having anxiety around going to the dentist is extremely common; hardly anyone finds going to the dentist exciting or comfortable. Some people struggle with a more severe fear around going to the dentist — this is known as dentophobia, or odontophobia. Related to iatrophobia (a fear of doctors) and trypanophobia (a fear of needles), dentophobia is common …

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Ketamine: New Promising Anxiety Treatment

It’s not uncommon to experience anxiety. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that 6.8 million adults in the US are affected by generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Additionally, a recent CNBC report highlights a 25% increase in the sales of books related to anxiety at Barnes & Noble between 2017 and 2018. These statistics …

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